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Welcome to Green House Village!

Here are a few fun facts about Green House Village...

Decades of Serving Children 

The original Green House opened in 1983 and has served thousands of children and their families for

4 decades! 

Program Philosophy

Green House Village is an inclusive child and family center operating various programming, including preschool, under The Courageous Steps Project.


Our programming is based on the belief that all children grow and develop to their fullest potential when allowed the freedom to follow their own biological time clock and when provided with a happy, healthy, caring and stimulating environment. Children with special learning needs thrive when included, and benefit greatly from typical peer role models where are children are able to learn and thrive.


Play is a foundation of growth and learning for children of all ages, and is therefore the core of our curriculum around which all other academics are developed.

Listen to Betsy's Story!

What others have said! 

Lina from Charleston

When I went to the Green House, I loved being in a place where I could be myself and not worry that people weren’t going to accept me. At the Green House, everyone is a family and everyone is accepted.

Jen from Old Town

I loved that I knew my children were in a safe caring learning environment and around kids of all abilities.

Tiffany from Old Town

When Cooper started at the Greenhouse on Call road he had approximately 20 word vocabulary at age 3.5. By the time

He left there he could speak in simple sentences and was ready for kindergarten! The patience, the caring and expertise ALL of the teachers and staff was unbelievable! I will

Be forever grateful for them all! One of my favorite memories was the year end party on Call Road with inflatable guitars and sun

Glasses. Cooper loved it!

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